Technical Theatre

Haley Sturgeon

Check out these tools

Chop saw and Table saw

In the beginning of my technical production journey, I have learned to use both the chop saw and the table saw shown in the top two photos above.

Drill and Staple gun

I am capable of doing very simple tasks such as screwing, unscrewing, and stapling on wood.

Router, Sander, Cutting metal

As my journey in technical theatre improved, I later on got to learn how to work with other tools and actually cutting and working with metal for the shows Comedy of Errors and The Penelopiad.

The Bowline knot

The bowline knot, being one of the most important knots to learn, was the first knot I was able to do in the beginning of my journey. This knot helps to tie a fixed loop in the end of a rope or wire.

Clove Hitch

A second knot I am capable of doing is called the clove hitch knot. I learned this knot to tie wires togesther as well as hanging lights.

Haley’s front living room


Throughout my journey, I have learned to successfully measure and draft my front living room at my house and put it on a smaller scale using a software known as vectorworks as show, in the image to the left

Spongebob the musical set


During the summer of 2024, I was involved in a production of Spongebob the musical. I took inspiration of our set to create my own version of it on vectorworks. To the left you can see three different views of my set.

Forever lighting


Taking inspiration from a production of Shrek the Musical, I was able to create my own lighting design to one of the songs in production. Using EOS, I was able to create ten light cues to the song Forever sung by the dragon. On the image and video to the left you can see the light cue list and the video playing above it.



As my journey progressed I learned to create my own sound cues to any production I wanted. My sound design was created for the play “A Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time.” I chose this play to open up my creative mindset to show what is going on in Christopher’s mind throughout the scene. To the left, you can see my sound cue list with ten ques, an image of my file from a software known as Q-lab, and a sample of one of my sounds indicating how the main character is slowing starting to stress.


During the 10 minute play festival at TAMUCC, I was able to make the sound cue list, given sounds, and work lights for two shows

In the span of 4 months I have helped create the set of two shows, Comedy of errors and the penelopiad. Here are some images of what i helped build. I helped build the chess pieces for Comedy and the boat for penelopiad.